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M42 Orion Nebula
Placed at a distance of approx 1270 light years from Earth , it spans about 24 light years and is the region of star formation closest to Solar system.
It is one of the most photographed and studied objects of the celestial vault, is followed by astronomers, that they have discovered protoplanetary disks , brown dwarfs and intense movements of gas And dust in the innermost areas of the nebula.
The Orion Nebula contains within it a open cluster very young.
Rosette nebula
Reflection nebula located in the Unicorn constellation, about 3000 years away from the earth the uce, has dimension of 100 light years, the center of the nebula is a young open cluster in the nebula were discovered several Bok globules which are thought to be the seat of newly formed star.
The center of the nebula is dominated by a bright open cluster, NGC 2244; this cluster formed in the central region of the cloud has subsequently swept away the surrounding gases through the action of the stellar wind of its components, thus becoming clearly visible. The result of this gas displacement is very evident, and it is the large empty "bubble" that surrounds the cluster, a structure that has earned the nebula the name of "Rosetta". This bubble will continue to expand until the stars in the cluster are completely free of any residue. NGC 2244 is an extremely young cluster, whose age does not exceed one million years. The two hottest stars in the cluster, the blue giants HD 46223 and HD 46150, are also the two stars responsible for almost all of the ultraviolet emissions from the Rosetta Nebula.
The position of the nebula is easily identified, thanks to the presence of some of the brightest stars in the sky: Betelgeuse and Procyon; joining the first to the second with an imaginary line, the Rosetta Nebula finds itself stopping at about one third of the way and moving about one and a half degrees south.
Dark nebula whose dense powders do not let light through give the image the typical shape of one Horse head hence the name of the nebula, the surrounding red zone it is a reflection nebula, at the base of the nebula there are newborn blue-blue stars, 1500 light years away from Earth, located in the constellation of Orion.
The streams of gas leaving the nebula are channeled by a strong magnetic field. The bright spots at the base of the nebula are young stars in formation.
The first photo of the nebula dates back to 1888, taken at the Harvard College Observatory
One particular dark nebula that overlaps the object, vdB 142 , it is also called Elephant trunk. IC 1396 is from Sun about 3000 light years
In long exposure photos taken through a telescope , the large nebulous complex surrounding the cluster; its appearance is roughly circular and crossed by numerous dark spots, which on closer inspection turn out to be globules of Bok , that is particularly concentrated regions of the nebula where the formation of new stars. It is therefore one region H II , and is part of a vast system of molecular clouds
Emission nebula inside which there is a young open cluster, at the center of this nebula is present a well-known area known as the Pillars of Creation consisting of long columns of dark gas originating from the stellar wind originating from the presence of the open ammasum, in these columns there is a very similar temperature and density of dust to that common to the sites of formation of protostars.
Cluster presents Very hot blue giants whose age is about 3 million years, about one thousandth of the age of our Sun.
Estimated distance from earth in 5500 light years.
The photo of the detail taken with a telescope whose focal length is 2 meters and thirty centimeters highlights the shape of the Pillars of creation from which new Stars come to life
(those with the bluish halo that you see in the photo)
Shooting times:
1 hour halpha --- 1 hour OIII --- 1 hour per RGB color channel
Luminance obtained from the sum of all filters, stretch 2+ stretch3
A second luminance was obtained from the Halpha sum and OIII in stretch 2
Color obtained from Halpha + R --- green + OIII ---- blue + Hbeta
Detail of the Pillars of Creation taken with Celestron C9
M20 Trifida and Lagoon Nebula
The Trifid Nebula is about 5,000 away light years from the Earth , thus finding itself in the Arm of Sagittarius , that is the spiral arm immediately innermost of ours. The single star massive visible in the center is the source of most of the illumination of the entire nebula; has an estimated age of about 300,000 years, which would make it the youngest region of star formation known.
The stars that excite its gases are blue giants , about 7 million years old; the various colors are given by the different elements: red is typical of hydrogen , while blue is typical of oxygen . The dark bands, on the other hand, are cold, unlit dusts and gases.
At the wavelength of 9.4 cm the nebula emits radio waves , caused by the collision between electrons and protons, which generate heat up to temperatures of 10,000 K.
M8 Laguna
The Lagoon Nebula belongs to the galactic spiral arm immediately innermost than ours, the Arm of Sagittarius ; is about 4100 light years from the Land and is home to some interesting astronomical objects and phenomena, such as open clusters (you see NGC 6530 ), regions of star formation , dark nebulae , young stars , hot gases. The name "lagoon" derives from the cloud of dust visible to the east of the central open cluster. [4]
The Lagoon Nebula extends into the sky for 90'x40 ', which at a distance of 4100 light years is equivalent to 110x50 light years of extension; different inside are observed globules of Bok , or clouds of material protostellar collapsed
Veil Nebula
is a cloud of heated and ionized gas and dust in the constellation of Swan.
It makes up the visible parts of the a supernova remnant.
There supernova of origin it was a star 20 times more massive than the Sun and it exploded between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago.
When precisely resolved, parts of the nebula appear to be string-like filaments. The standard explanation is that shock waves are so thin, less than one part in 50,000 radius that the shell is visible only when viewed exactly on the edge, giving the shell the appearance of a filament. At an estimated distance of 2400 light years, the nebula has a radius of 65 light years (a diameter of 130 light years). The thickness of each filament is 1 / 50,000th of the radius, or about 4 billion miles, roughly the distance from Earth to Pluto. The undulations on the surface of the shell lead to multiple filamentous images, which appear to be intertwined.
NGC 7023 Nebula IRIS
it's a reflection nebula , ie it reflects the light of some nearby stars; probably the main star responsible for its illumination is precisely the seventh magnitude star, cataloged as HD 200775, which would be enveloped by the nebula, together with other less bright stars born from its dust and which form the open cluster. The nebula is about 1400 from us light years and measures approx 6 light years
The Vortex Galaxy M51
it is one of the brightest and most interesting galaxies in the sky: it is far from Land 37 million light years and it is wide 100,000 light years. AND the dominant member of a small group of galaxies, called group of M51 . Much of its intense brightness is due to the presence, in the arms, of young people star clusters . This galaxy was the first whose spiral structure was observed, by William Parsons In the 1845 ; astronomers speculate that the spiral shape is mainly due to gravitational interactions with the smaller galaxy. There spiral drawn by the arms of the galaxy is one logarithmic spiral .
The Vortex Galaxy is joined to NGC 5195 through a common envelope of gas. The interaction between the two galaxies has resulted in an increase in the creation of stars in NGC 5195. The core of the Vortex Galaxy is also brighter than one might expect, and this has led some scholars to classify it as a Seyfert galaxy active.
In May 2011 a Supernova exploded in this galaxy, probably a type II supernova, and therefore originated from the collapse and explosion of a very massive star, greater than at least 9 solar masses.
They identified a probable protenitor star of this supernova in an image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in April 2005. From this image it appears that the progenitor star is SN 2011dh, a yellow supergiant with mass between 18 and 24 solar masses
The nebula is about 1300 light years from the Earth , the major axis is equal to 1 light year, has an estimated age of 9800 years; its shape resembles that of one spheroid Nel 1992 it has been determined that the rate of expansion on the plane of the sky of this nebula is not higher than 2.3 'per century: as a consequence, a maximum age limit of 14,600 years can be determined.
The central star is one white dwarf (more or less what will remain of our Sun)
North America and Pelican Nebula
(also known with the abbreviations NGC 7000 And C. 20) is one emission nebula visible in the constellation of the Swan , near Deneb.
It constitutes together with the neighbor Pelican Nebula a single nebulous complex, located about 1800 light years from the Earth of extension is equal to 100 light years.
Also in this Nebula is active star formation , as evidenced by the presence of several young stellar objects small and medium-sized mass.
North America and Pelican part of the same vast interstellar cloud from hydrogen ionized ( Region H II )
I'm a open cluster visible in the constellation of the Taurus .
This cluster, quite close (440 light years ) counts several stars visible to naked eye ; even if only five or six of the brightest stars are visible from city environments, twelve can already be counted from a darker place. All its components are surrounded by reading reflection nebulae , especially observable in long exposure photographs.
Remarkable is that, unlike what happens in most of the traditional constellations, the Pleiades are not only really close to each other, but they are linked together by gravity; they even have a common origin.
Given their distance, the stars visible between the Pleiades are stars much hotter than normal, and this is reflected in their color: they are blue giants or white ; the cluster actually has hundreds of other stars, most of which are too distant and cold to be visible to the naked eye. The Pleiades are in fact a young cluster, with an estimated age of about 100 million years, and an expected life of only another 250 million years.
Helix Nebula or Helix
is an example of a planetary nebula formed at the end of a star's life solar type . The outer gaseous layers of the star ejected into space appear from our point of view as if we were looking down at a helix . The central core of the star, destined to become one white dwarf , it shines so brightly that it renders fluorescent the gas previously expelled.
The nebula is located about 650 light-years from Earth in the constellation Aquarius, and is about 2.5 light-years in size.
it's a spiral galaxy giant which is about 2.8 million light years from the Land in the direction of constellation of Andromeda , from which it takes its name. It is the closest large galaxy to ours Milky Way ; it is also visible to the naked eye and is the farthest object visible without the aid of tools.
The Andromeda Galaxy is the largest in the Local Group , a group of galaxies which also includes the Milky Way and the Triangle galaxy , plus about fifty other minor galaxies, many of them satellites of the main ones.
According to studies published in the 2000s , derived from the observations of Spitzer space telescope , would contain about a billion of stars (one thousand billion), a number far greater than that of the Milky Way.
The Andromeda Galaxy is approaching the Milky Way at a speed of approximately 400,000 km / h, therefore it is one of the few galaxies to show a blueshift (approaching, galaxies in the Universe usually have a RedShift movement away) ; The two galaxies could collide in an estimated time of 2.5 billion years: in that case they will probably merge giving rise to one elliptical galaxy of large proportions; however, the tangential velocity with respect to the Milky Way of M31 is not well known, thus creating uncertainty as to when the collision will occur and how it will proceed. Clashes of this type are common in groups of galaxies.
contains several hundred thousand stars , the brightest of which is of magnitude 11.95. Around its core, the stars are about 500 times more concentrated than around the solar system. The age of M 13 was estimated at 12 billions of years. Its distance from Earth is 23,157 light years . Appearing so bright at such a great distance, its real brightness is very high, over 300,000 times that of Sun.
The radial speed is about 250 km / s approaching. This motion results from the combination of three different speeds: the rotation of the Galaxy, the motion of the Sun in space, and the revolution motion of the cluster around the galactic center.
The Leo Triplet
(also known as the group M66) is a small group of galaxies about 35 million light years away in the constellation of Leo. This galaxy group is composed of the spiral galaxies M65, M66 and NGC 3628
is a spiral galaxy located about 3,000,000 light years from Earth, has an extension of about 60,000 light years and is located in the constellation of the Triangle.
In this Galaxy there are several regions of Halpha one on all is the NGC 604 whose extension is about 1500 light years, this nebula shows in the shots taken from the Earth a fair amount of detail given its size
Luminance obtained from the sum of 1 hour Halpha + 1 hour H Beta + 1 hour OIII + 40 minutes for RGB color channel + 30 minutes of Idas V3.
Color obtained by adding Halpha to Red --- OIII to Green ---- H beta to Blue.
The luminances used are 100% stretch2 and 50% stretch3.
Bubble Nebula
Nebula located in the constellation of Cassiopeia, the distance from the Earth is estimated at 11,000 light years, size of 23 light years, the bubble shape of the central part is due to the pressure of the radiation of a star whose mass is 40 times that of the sun, the winds given off by this star blow at 2000 km per second and the shell of the bubble has a size of about 6 light years.
In the upper part to the left the open cluster is visible M52, this cluster is located about 5,000 light years from Earth, has an estimated age of 35,000,000 years (a relatively young cluster compared to the Billions of years of our Universe) and an extension of about 19 light years while in top right. we find NGC7538 corresponding to a zone of intense neo star formation, the distance from the Earth of this nebula is around 9,000 light years, further down you can see a small part of the nebula Sh2-157
Crescent Nebula
Distance from Earth 4700 light years.
The cloud shines by reflection, following the energy received during its explosion supernova . Within a few millennia, the object is expected to vanish completely, dispersing into the interstellar medium. The gases of the nebula appear centered on one Wolf-Rayet star ( HD 192163 ), which is now inside it; this star would also be responsible for the nebula, which would constitute the material of the outermost layers of the ejected star, which would then collide with other nebulae thus creating the shape that is observed. According to other studies it would instead be a supernova remnant whose progenitor star was part of the HD 192163 system. The nebula extends into space for a size of about 16 light years .
M81 M82
I am part of a group of galaxies , located in the constellations of Ursa Major and of Giraffe , which includes galaxies M81 or Bode galaxy and the M82 or Galaxy Cigar , along with several other rather bright galaxies. The center of the group is located approximately at a distance of 12 million Light years from Earth and therefore it is one of the closest groups to ours Local Group
IC 405
Flaming Star. Emission nebula with a small reflected part. This nebula is located in the constellation Auriga, the ionized Hydrogen powders of the nebula are illuminated by the Blue Star Ae Aurigae, while the Bluish dust zone is the result of the light reflected by dark powders of Ae Aurigae itself.
Distance from Earth estimated at 1,500 light years.
Medium-high sky conditions (almost optimal for the site), particularly lucky evening as the humidity was really and unusually low.
IC410 .
Placed in the Auriga Constellation it is an emission Nebula, inside it is visible the Open Cluster NGC1893.
Sh-2 185
it consists of a system of partly well-lit clouds, located at the same distance as γ Cassiopeiae is 600 years away from Earth light; the brightest sections consist of the two nebulae cataloged in the Index Catalog : IC 63, shows an evident gas filament structure, with optical emissions dominated by the red color, while IC 59, appears as a cloud with a color partly tending to blue and without an organized structure. In particular, IC 63 consists of a region of hydrogen ionized and shows obvious signs of photolysis . This phenomenon is very evident especially in IC 59, while in IC 63 the presence of the fort ultraviolet radiation suggests the formation of a neutral hydrogen zone through the dissociation of molecular hydrogen. A study conducted in the 1997 highlights how probably the two nebulae are not exactly at the same distance with respect to γ Cassiopeiae: in particular, IC 63 appears directly connected to the star, while IC 59 would be slightly farther away; this would explain the differences between the two nebulae. Furthermore, while the phenomena of photolysis seem to be completely terminated in IC 59, in the second cloud would still be in place, albeit at very low levels
IC 5146 or Cocoon Nebula
it's a open cluster tied to a diffuse nebula visible in the constellation of the Swan .
It is invisible with a binoculars , you need a telescope of 150mm to appreciate the object minimally. It is a small cluster surrounded by a very small nebula (shaped like a Cocoon), connected in turn to a system of dark nebulosity , known by the acronym B 168, which extends for about 2 degrees in the direction of M39, very evident even with small instruments as it obscures a rich star field. The main star of the cluster has magnitude 9.74 (probably however it appears only in "superimposition", because its distance would be less than that of the cluster). This set of nebulae would have a distance from Sun equal to about 3300 light-years .
also known as NGC3556 it's a spiral galaxy which from our perspective shows itself perfectly cut. Located in the constellation Ursa Major at a distance of about 45 million light years from our solar system, has a diameter of about 110,000 light years and moves away from us at a speed of 772 km / s.
also known as NGC3587 or Owl Nebula, is a planetary nebula located in the constellation Ursa Major, about 2600 light years away from us, even if the estimate is somewhat controversial.
M97 is estimated to have an age of about 6,000 years, it extends for about 3 light years and at its center is a tremendously hot white dwarf with a temperature of about 85,000 ° C
is an example of Seyfert galaxy ; the detection of unusual emissions from radio waves And X-ray observed through the radio telescope Very Large Baseline Array indicates that probably part of the galaxy is falling into a supermassive black hole located in its center: in fact it seems that a mass equal to 36 million is contained solar masses , concentrated in a volume between 1/24 and 1/12 of light year , i.e. between 12,000 to 54,000 UA . [3]
The shape of M106 resembles that of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31), but with a different inclination, so that all the dust cloud structures on the galactic plane are thus perfectly visible; the spiral arms are rich in regions H II which in the images are shown in blue and red, depending on whether or not they are associated with clusters of stars particularly warm and bright. In 1981 one has appeared between its arms supernova , classified as SN 1981K , which reached the sixteenth apparent magnitude; since the spectrum was not analyzed, it was never known what kind of supernova it was. The distance of the galaxy from the Earth is estimated at 21-25 million light years and its total mass is equal to about 190 billion solar masses; moves away from us at the speed of 537 km / s .
NGC 281
it's a emission nebula visible in the constellation from Cassiopeia ; surrounds the open cluster IC 1590. Sometimes it is called Pacman Nebula.
It is located 1.5 degrees east of star α Cassiopeiae ; powerful tools are needed to be able to identify the nebula, which is certainly the most important object, given that the cluster associated with it is formed by a few stars and dominated by a double octave star magnitude .
IC 342
it's a spiral galaxy intermediate form between the classification of Barred spiral galaxy and not crossed out, located in the constellation of Giraffe . It is placed near the galactic disc where the darkening caused by dust makes it difficult to observe.
IC 342 is one of the two brightest galaxies in the Maffei group of galaxies 1 one of the closest groups of galaxies to the local group to which ours belongs Milky Way ; its distance is estimated at 10 million light years . Its shape resembles that of galaxies well M74 , in Fish And M101 , in the Ursa Maggiore ; even in apparent size, it is located between the two galaxies. Its core is very bright with very young stars of great mass, a sign that in the past there was a phenomenon of starburst ; along the arms there are notable ones HII regions , in which the star formation it is very intense.
There Sunflower galaxy is a spiral galaxy visible in the Boreal constellation of Hunting Dogs. It is 37 million light years away from Earth.
Cave Nebula
The nebula appears as an inhomogeneous set of bright parts and dark nebulae ; the northern part is the least obscured and shows the characteristic reddish colors typical of HII regions . The southern part is instead affected by local darkening; the most notable dark nebula, which gives it its name Cave Nebula to the complex, it is located in the west corner. A short distance from this is a small one reflection nebula , known as LNB524, which surrounds a cluster of ninth stars magnitude . The distance of the nebulous complex is estimated at 2400 light years from Solar System .
NGC7380 and Nebula SH2-142. Ngc7380 is an open cluster distant from the Earth about 7,000 light years, it is located in the Constellation of Cepheus.
The stars of the cluster are immersed in a nebula whose extension is 110 light years, the stars emerged from this nebula 5,000,000 years ago, which makes the cluster relatively young.
Sadr, second brightest star in the Swan, apparent magnitude of +2.25, about 1500 light years away from the earth.
Sadr is a supergiant with a surface luminosity 65,000 times greater than that of the Sun, has a mass 12 times greater than our Sun and is expected to explode in Supernova.
This great star appears to be surrounded by a Diffuse Emission Nebula IC 1318, it is actually located in front of the Nebula whose distance from Earth is 5000 light years, this Nebula has an extension of 1,400 light years, inside there is one significant star formation activity, in fact in this region there is a high number of stars among the brightest in our galaxy.
The photo shows mainly the nebulae IC1318 a and e, the nebulae are detached from each other so they have been classified with different abbreviations, the dark line present between the nebulae is classified as a dark nebula LDN889 and seems to be part of the same Nebular complex.
In this region there is also the presence of water in the form of water vapor as a component of the interstellar medium, direct evidence of the presence of protostars.
NGC 4565
For the entire length of the galaxy, one is well evident dark band , in a slightly asymmetrical position with respect to the nucleus, which makes it extraordinarily similar to our Galaxy, to which it approaches both in real form and in size. Distance from Milky Way about 52 million light years
M101 is about 21,000,000 light years from the Earth , and is a galaxy of type Sc (non-compact spiral); from an observer on the ground it is seen exactly "from the front", but its arms are visible only with a large telescope. The diameter of the galaxy is approximately 170,000 light years , which is almost double the diameter of ours Galassi
Another particular property of this galaxy is the presence of vast and very bright regions H II, which in the photographs reaches the number of 3000 units; these regions, where the star formation , contain a large number of young, hot, blue stars.
The Pinwheel Galaxy (also known as M 101, or NGC 5457) is a spiral galaxy in the constellation of Ursa Major. The galaxy was discovered in 1781 by Charles Messier and Pierre Méchain. William Herschel was the first to observe small spots (which were actually fragments of the spiral arms) surrounding the galaxy.
M101 is 23,790,000 light years from Earth, and is a galaxy of type Sc (non-compact spiral); from an observer on the ground it is seen exactly "from the front", but its arms are visible only with a large telescope. The diameter of the galaxy is about 170,000 light years, which is almost double the diameter of our Galaxy.
This galaxy is located in the constellation of Virgo, its distance is estimated at about 31 million light years
The diameter of M104 is estimated differently by various astronomers: from 50,000 to 140,000 light years . According to the website of the Hubble Space Telescope , the diameter of M104 is 50,000 light years and its mass is equal to 800 billion masses solar . It has a large and bright core, a bulge oddly large central, and a prominent band of dust around the disc. Since it is cut, the overall appearance is similar to a sombrero Mexican, hence the name assigned to it.
This galaxy also has a system of globular clusters well populated, with at least a few hundred members visible at large telescopes, and an estimated total population of at least 2000 objects, many more than those of the Milky Way . Recent photos showed that the M104 has a galactic halo very extensive.
In the the nineties it has been shown that a supermassive black hole is present in the center of the galaxy. Using the spectroscopic data obtained from both the CFHT that from Hubble Space Telescope it has been shown that the speed of rotation of the stars inside the center of the galaxy could not be maintained if there was no mass equal to one billion solar masses
Markarian's Chain
is the closest cluster of galaxies , contains over 2000 galaxies and has a notable gravitational pull on the galaxies of the group local galaxies that surround ours Milky Way galaxy . The center of the cluster of the Virgin it stands at around 70 million of light years of distance to constellation of the Virgin . At least seven galaxies in the chain they seem to move consistently , even if others seem to overlap by chance.
NGC 4874
it's a giant elliptical galaxy it is located at a distance of 350,000,000 of light years from Earth, very small galaxies are visible in the background much further away. The galaxy is surrounded by an immense stellar halo that extends up to a million light-years in diameter. It is also enveloped in a huge cloud of interstellar medium that is currently being heated by the action of falling material from its own supermassive black hole central . A highly energetic plasma jet extends 1,700 light years from its center.
The photo shows a cluster of very distant galaxies.
There Ring Nebula (also known as M. 57 or NGC 6720) is a planetary nebula visible in the boreal constellation of Lyra; it is about 2000 light years from Earth and about two light years in diameter. It is one of the most famous nebulae.
The ring shape is actually a perspective effect since from the Earth we can observe it from one of the poles. If we could observe it from the equatorial plane it would have the appearance of the Manubrium Nebula (M27).
The different colors show the different temperatures of the gases ejected by the dying star. From the central blue of the hot gases near the white dwarf, to the colder red gases of the peripheral regions.
NGC 7129 is a region H II observable in the constellation from Cepheus ; it is one of the most remote structures in the Cepheus molecular cloud complex , of which it is a part.
It appears surrounded by a ring of neutral hydrogen (HI), it is part of a larger system of molecular clouds, centered on a blue star; studying the spectrum of this star, it was discovered that it is a rare type of "dissociating star" just emerging from the gas cloud that formed it, with an age estimated at a few thousand years.
the region in which it is located is full of young blue stars.
Distance 3000 light years, size 30 light years.
VDB 152 it's a reflection nebula 1300 light years away. It is located in an area full of dark nebulae inside there is a main sequence blue-white star , BD + 69 1231, of magnitude 9.29, whose radiation gives the surrounding gases a distinctly bluish color. There star it is located on the southernmost end of one dark nebula cometary-looking, with a long crown that disperses in a northerly direction. In the northern part of the cloud is located LDN 1217, a very dense cloud in which the presence of several sources of infrared radiation they suggest the presence of phenomena of star formation .
NGC 4216 , in addition to a rich system of globular clusters which can be up to five times more populous than those of the our galaxy.
40 million light years away
NGC 3718 , it's a galaxy located approximately 52 million light years from Earth in the constellation Ursa Major . It is a lenticular or spiral galaxy.
NGC 3718 has a deformed S shape. This could be due to the gravitational interaction between it and NGC 3729 , another spiral galaxy located 150,000 light years away.
NGC 3718 is a member of the cluster of the Ursa Major
NGC 2903 it's a barred spiral galaxy in constellation of Leo to about 20.5 million light years from Solar system
This is a galaxy in many ways similar to the Milky Way . Its size is only slightly smaller than ours, with an area of about 80,000 light years. But unlike ours, it is younger and has a cluster of massive bright stars.
M. 78 it's a diffuse nebula visible in the constellation from Orion .
It is the brightest reflection nebula in the sky; it is part of a group of nebulae that it includes NGC 2064 , NGC 2067 And NGC 2071 , away 1,600 light years from the Earth . The two stars that illuminate the dust cloud in M78 are cataloged as HD 38563A and HD 38563B and are of magnitude 10; the actual extension of the nebula is about 4 light years.
​ From the gaseous cocoons of the two class 0 protostars come out very dense jets of matter along whose axis there are beams of molecular hydrogen; the cores of the cocoons are likewise very dense.
California Nebula (also known as NGC 1499) is one emission nebula visible in the constellation from Perseus .
​ Ngc 1499 is close to the star Menkib of the constellation of Perseus. It is this star that ionizes the hydrogen atoms of the nebula
There Cone Nebula it's a region H II in the constellation of Monoceros .
There nebula it is located at about 2,700 light years of distance from Land.
​ Radiation from hot young stars has slowly eroded the nebula for millions of years. Ultraviolet light heats the edges of the dark cloud, releasing gas into the relatively empty region of the surrounding space. There, additional ultraviolet radiation causes the hydrogen gas to glow, which produces the red halo of light seen around the pillar. A similar process occurs on a much smaller scale than the gas surrounding a single star, forming the arc-shaped arc seen near the upper left of the cone. This arc is 65 times larger than the diameter of our solar system. The blue-white light of the surrounding stars is reflected by the dust. The background stars can be seen peeking through the evaporating tendrils of the gas, while the turbulent base is marked by stars reddened by dust. Over time, only the densest regions of the Cone will remain. Within these regions,
The Cone Nebula is a cousin of the M16 pillars, which Hubble envisioned in 1995. Monstrous cold gas pillars such as the Cone and M16 are common in large stellar birth regions. Astronomers believe that the pillars are incubators for the development of stars.
is a brilliant open cluster . It is one of the closest to the solar system and contains a rich population of stars.
Contains from the red giants and of white dwarfs , representing the last stages of stellar evolution , plus a large number of stars from main sequence
Distance 550 light years.
M. 100 (also known as NGC 4321) is one spiral galaxy which is located in the direction of the constellation of the Coma of Berenice , at a distance of 55 million light years from us.
Crab Nebula or M1
The nebula, now more than six large light years , it is formed by the expanding gases expelled during the explosion of the Supernova 1054 ; gases are expanding at the rate of 1500 km / s
The Crab Nebula is located approx 6500 to the from solar system.
At the center of the nebula is the pulsar of the Crab (also known as PSR B0531 + 21), a neutron star with a diameter of about 28-30 kilometers, discovered in 1968 : was the first observation of an association between pulsars and supernova remnants, a fundamental discovery for the interpretation of pulsar like neutron stars
17P / Holmes comet
In late October 2007 the diameter of the foliage increased from 3.3 to more than 13 minutes of arc [12] , about half the diameter that the Moon subtends in the sky. At a distance of 2 UA , this apparent size corresponds to a real diameter of one million kilometers [13] , or about 70% of the diameter of the Sun. For comparison, the moon is 380,000 km from Earth . Thus, the coma of Comet Holmes was a sphere with a diameter greater than that of the orbit of the Moon
Comet Lulin
The comet appears in a bright green color and for this reason it has also been called the " green comet"
NGC 891
is a brilliant galaxy in constellation from
Andromeda .
​ in large telescopes the dark band of interstellar dust and gas is highlighted, making it very similar to ours Milky Way . It is part of a group of galaxies about 40 million distant from ours light years .
IC 1805
IC 1805 (also known as Heart Nebula or with the initials W4) is one diffuse nebula in association with a open cluster , visible in the constellation from Cassiopeia , towards the border with the Giraffe .
It's about a HII region very extensive, whose distance is estimated at 7500 light years from us; its main feature is the presence of two large apparently empty areas, of different sizes, which make the nebula similar to a "heart". Inside is a system of little ones open clusters not very concentrated, responsible for ionization of the nebula. The most notable of these is Melotte 15, which contains some stars about 50 times more massive than Sole , plus other smaller ones and a microquasar expelled millions of years ago.
​ Multiple episodes of star formation are active near the nebula; through the images obtained in the H-α one was discovered super bubble expanding formed by hydrogen ionized of the extension of 1200 pc and emerging from galactic plane , whose age, of about 10-20 million years, is an indicator of the fact that it originated as a result of the action of the stellar wind of a first generation of massive stars. [4] From this region emerge over 30 molecular clouds and globules dispersed in the surrounding space, as seen above, the presence of which suggests that once in the region there was a giant molecular cloud later dissolved due to a first intense episode of star formation.
The comet Lovejoy
formally C / 2011 W3 (Lovejoy), is a comet long-term of the solar system , To the perihelion the comet has entered the solar corona passing around 140,000 km from the star's surface on December 16, 2011, at 00:35 UTC. [7] Although it was not expected to survive the event, it has been seen emerging from the solar disk through some orbiting telescopes.
Cometa di Neanderthal
Questa Cometa C/2022 E3 (ZTF) è una cometa di lungo periodo, La cometa ha raggiunto il suo perielio il 12 gennaio 2023, passando a una distanza di circa 166 milioni di km dal Sole, mentre ha raggiunto la minima distanza dalla Terra, pari a circa 42 milioni di km, il 1º febbraio 2023.
Il periodo orbitale della cometa è stimato in
50.000 anni, l'ultimo suo perielio è avvenuto quando sulla Terra camminava l'uomo di Neanderthal, per questo motivo la Cometa C/2022 E3 (ZTF) è stata soprannominata dai media "cometa di Neanderthal.
Si ritiene che l'insolito colore verde sia dovuto alla presenza di carbonio biatomico, soprattutto attorno alla testa della cometa. La molecola C2, prodotta dalla fotolisi di materiali organici evaporati dal nucleo cometario, quando viene eccitata dalla radiazione ultravioletta solare emette principalmente nell'infrarosso, tuttavia il suo stato di tripletto irradia a 518 nm, da cui il colore verde. Una volta prodotte, le molecole di C2 sono esse stesse soggette a fotolisi nel giro di due giorni; per questo motivo, il bagliore verde appare nella chioma della cometa ma non nella coda.
Tempi di ripresa:
40 minuti per canale colore RGB
40 minuti con filtro CLS
telescopio Takahashi Epsilon 180
CCD FLI 4022
Ruota portafiltri FLI